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Mandatory signage in private and public companies in France

According to the French labor code, from the first employee, a company in France is required to post certain information. These postings must be located in a strategic place where all employees and visitors can see them. 

The French legislation defines the regulations concerning the compulsory postings for all French companies and establishments. The regulations differ on the country. We will specify here the mandatory display specific to French establishments.  

The labor code and the penal code provide penalties ranging from 450 euros to 10,000 euros and 1 year of imprisonment in case of failure to comply with the posting requirements.  (Sources)

This article will allow you to see more clearly the mandatory displays in companies with a zoom on different sectors of activity

1. Mandatory postings 

Certain postings are mandatory in the company and must be updated regularly.  

Here is the list of compulsory displays in companies. According to the Labor Code, there are specificities according to the size of the company that we will specify later. 

  • Information concerning the work inspector, the work doctor and the emergency services 
  • Safety and fire instructions and contact persons 
  • Information on the reception service responsible for prevention and the fight against discrimination 
  • Information on the collective agreement and the applicable agreements 
  • Collective work schedules, working hours, rest periods and collective weekly rest days and hours if there is no Sunday rest 
  • The periods of vacations to be indicated 2 months before the beginning with the order of the departures  
  • The articles of the penal code concerning discrimination, moral and sexual harassment 
  • The conditions of access and consultation of the inventory of professional risks 
  • Texts concerning equal pay and professional equality between men and women 
  • Smoking bans  

Information on the penal code is no longer required to be posted within the company. However, the information must be accessible via the company’s intranet or e-mail. 

2. Mandatory postings according to the number of employees 

Depending on the number of employees in the companyadditional information must be posted 

  • From 11 employees onwards: the organization of the election of staff representatives must be present in the company  
  • From 20 employees: the internal regulations with the sections concerning health and safety rules must be posted.  
  • From 50 employees: information concerning the participation agreement, as well as the names and locations of the members of the health, safety and working conditions committee must also be displayed 
  • (Sources)

3. Mandatory postings according to sectors of activity 

A. Warehouse display

Various means of signage are necessary in warehouses to alert and prevent possible risks (falls, collisions, shocks, etc.).  

Here is the meaning of the signs: 

  • The prohibition sign is round in shape with a black pictogram on a white background crossed by a red line 
Magneto Frame Display Pocket (193953)
  • The warning sign is triangular in shape with a black pictogram on a yellow background 
Magneto Frame Display Pocket (194974)
  • The obligation sign is round in shape and has a blue background with a white pictogram 
Adhesive Safety Pictograms (197650-197651)
  • The emergency sign is rectangular or square with a white pictogram on a green background 
Kang Easy Load (194682)
  • The safety equipment sign is also rectangular or square in shape and has a white pictogram on a red background 


ISO 7010 safety signs – Fire Safety Signs (7520001- 7520002- 7520003- 7520005- 7520014- 7520047)

B. Display in hotels 

Within a hotel establishment, certain notices must be displayed both outside and at the entrance of the establishment.  

First of all, the rate must be indicated to the customer outside the hotel, but also its hotel classification (if it has one) as well as the year of its acquisition, the possibility of taking a breakfast or not as well as its rate and finally, if the customer has an Internet connection within the establishment. 

As for the information to be posted inside the establishment, the same documents as outside must be posted inside. In addition, it is necessary to specify and display the arrival and departure times (check-in and check-out) at the reception desk. The means of payment accepted by the establishment must also be indicated at the reception desk. Finally, all information related to emergencies must be indicated (emergency phone numbers, evacuation plan and safety instructions). In the common areas, “no smoking” signs must be posted. 

Kang Easy Clic Signage Pocket (194770)

In addition to these different displays, an establishment with a swimming pool must put forward 3 compulsory displays: first of all, the internal regulations, then the results of the sanitary controls of the swimming pool and finally a specification concerning the rights of entry in the space (swimming pool reserved for the customers of the hotel or not). (Sources).

Water Resistant Signage Pockets (15061)

C. Display in the medical environment 

In a medical office, it is mandatory to display the fees and the health insurance reimbursement rate.  Safety instructions, evacuation instructions and emergency numbers are also mandatory. It is also necessary to inform clients about the video surveillance system, if present, and about the terms of access to their personal information. Finally, in the context of epidemiological studies, it is mandatory to display the use of patient information. 

The health professional has an accompanying role and, in this context, can also display, if he wishes, information relating to vaccination and prevention campaigns. (Sources)

D. Posting in the school environment 

There are also various mandatory documents within schools, some of which are required to be posted. It is possible to divide the documents that are posted in schools into 4 categories: Mandatory institutional or regulatory posting, didactic posting, aesthetic posting and informative posting.  

The last three categories are not mandatory and are intended for learning or information on learning content and, therefore, are targeted at students, parents, stakeholders, staff, etc. …. 

Mandatory notices are intended for teachers, substitutes and inspectors, and must be visible and easy to read. They are, most often, grouped in one place in order to allow a simple and quick reading. The documents are as follows: 

First of all, from a health, safety and hygiene point of view: 

  • The protocol on the organization of care and emergencies: Ministerial note of 29-12-99 (BOEN Hors-série n°1 of 6 January 2000). The document must be posted in full view of everyone and allows for the methods of action to be taken in the event of the need to care for a student or in the event of an emergency. It is set up for the school director with an opinion of the nurse and the technical manager. 
  • List of CHSCT members (Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee): which allows to define the members of the CHSCT to contact in case of questions related to health, safety and working conditions  
  • List of people trained in first aid 
  • The anti-smoking plan: this involves posting a reminder of the prohibition of smoking and vaping within the school premises. 
Magneto Frame Display Pockets (194906)

Then the mandatory postings related to fire safety: 

  • Fire safety plans and instructions – PSI : According to the work code, art. R4227-37 to 40, fire safety regulations MS41 and MS47. This document must be posted on an unalterable support and must include the plan of the building(s) at the entrance for the firefighters, the evacuation plan in the circulation areas, and the instructions in each room. It is intended for all staff, students and emergency services. It is prepared by the school’s safety officer. This display must include the clearances, safe waiting areas and main partitions, but also the location of the various technical rooms and other rooms at particular risk, devices, safety controls, fluid cut-offs, energy cut-offs, fixed extinguishing equipment and alarms. The fire safety instructions must be posted in each room with more than five people. (Sources)
  • The RSI : Code du travail, art. R4227-37 to 40, fire safety regulations MS41 and MS47. This document must be available in the school, it contains all the information necessary to ensure the prevention and monitoring of fire safety. 
Kang Easy Load Signage Pockets (194680)

Then, among the mandatory postings there is a category “major risks and threats”: 

  • The Vigipirate plan: Device of December 1, 2016 to be consulted on the website of the Ministry of National Education. This document must be posted at the entrance of the school and allows to alert the population, it has the objective of vigilance, prevention and protection. This document is drafted by the Prime Minister with measures and instructions issued by the Ministers of National Education and Agriculture.)   
  • The guide for the elaboration of a particular plan of safety against major risks. (Sources)

To these documents we must add: 

  • The internal regulations of the establishment. 
  • The asbestos technical file. 
  • Human rights: Article L.111-1-1 of the law of July 8, 2013 – “The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of August 26, 1789 is visibly displayed in the premises of the same schools and establishments”. 
  • The charter of secularism at school: this charter defines the rules of life. The document must be present in every classroom of public or private primary and secondary schools. 
  • Documents related to the government: The motto of the French republic and the display “the republic lives with its face uncovered”. 


There are also specificities in school restaurants. These establishments are obliged to post standard documents such as the internal regulations for example. In addition, these establishments are required to post the following documents:  

The first mandatory display point is related to the content of the plate. Indeed, Decree No. 2019-325 of April 15, 2019, on the experimentation of mandatory display in collective catering, indicates that the nature of products used for the preparation of meals and menu of the school canteen must be displayed in full view of users. 

More specifically, the Consumer Code defines the conditions and allows the use of the term “home-made”. On the other hand, in application of the rural and maritime fishing code, products “acquired according to certain methods”, “from organic farming”, “benefiting from other signs or mentions”, “benefiting from the ecolabel”, “benefiting from the graphic symbol specific to the field of agriculture in favor of the outermost regions of the European Union”, must be mentioned. 

In order to ensure the safety of users, the European INCO regulation obliges establishments to indicate the list of 14 allergens to be declared that are present in the dishes or products. (sources)

Kang Easy Load Signage Pockets (194770)

E. Display in stores 

In shops, most of the mandatory displays are intended for customers: Opening hours, price information, etc. Indeed, the prices of the products must be displayed near the products concerned and must respect norms like being in euro, all taxes included, etc.  Pre-packaged products must have the price per kg or per liter. For products in batches, the selling price per unit must be displayed.  

The display of discounts is also regulated. The display of advertising is not mandatory but is regulated if the retailer decides to use it. 

Indeed, on an advertising promotion displayed inside his store, the merchant must indicate the base price and the price after reduction or display the percentage of reduction applied on the product and then add the mention “immediate discount at the cash register”.  

The display of advertising related to a discount is also regulated outdoors. The display must include an indication of the products concerned, the amount of the discount, the period and the stocks (e.g. “while stocks last”) and finally all the elements necessary for the customer to be eligible for the discount. 

Magneto Window Grip Display Frame Pockets (194387)

In addition to the mandatory price information, promotional displays must also mention the conditions for using the various payment methods, such as a minimum or maximum amount. In fact, in general, merchants are required to display the payment methods that can be used in the store. 



As seen previously, the French legislation fixes a set of rules and standards in terms of posting in all establishments in France, whether they are private companies, public or establishments receiving the public.   

There are mandatory displays common to all establishments in France, but there are also specific requirements depending on the type of establishment and the number of visitors.  

In warehouses, the compulsory displays specific to this type of establishment are mainly intended to indicate the zones adapted to pedestrian or machine passages as well as the danger zones, and those thanks to a system of pictograms.  

Then, in hotel environment, the display is mainly intended for the customers because it gives information on the hotel, its organization, its services and the elements relating to safety.  

In medical environment, it is about displaying the payment and reimbursement modalities, the information concerning the security and finally, the misinformation concerning the customers and the use of their data.   

In schools, mandatory postings are divided into three specificities: health, safety and hygiene. Postings are necessary for the proper functioning and implementation of procedures. They are intended as much for the students as for the staff, teachers, parents and outside contributors. Postings in schools also allow to have a representation of the state and its values within the schools.   

Finally, in stores, the display of elements related to price and products are mandatory. In addition, it is necessary to display information about discounts or sales when they take place.   

Each establishment has its own specificities that must be taken into consideration in order to respect the law and not be subject to fines and sanctions.